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The platform is meant to connect people, help them find a perfect fit in terms of health and well-being in their location, in books or documentaries.


It gives the possibility to practitioners and non-practionners to meet on a platform.

Find here a selection of places that inspired and helped many others to work on the reconnection to the mind, body and environment.

Do not hesitate to nourish the library by sharing your discoveries here.

Herboristerie Bo Kay


Source de votre santé-bien-être où les savoirs ancestraux s’unissent avec les sciences d’aujourd’hui.

Un lieu unique dont les formes s’inspirent de la Nature pour vous reconnecter à votre potentiel infini, et dont l’ADN est l’eau, l’énergie et la conscience.

Vipassana Meditation Centers

Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind.

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