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There's no one favourite diet. There is no one solution for all of us. No magical diet that you can follow for the rest of your life, exactly the same way everyday and will provide you with what you body need and make you stay slim, fit and healthy.


Don't fall into the trick. Don't fall into the statement of you're born to be heavy or fat, either. There's is no such thing as being predestined to be fat or obese. There are of course some differences, in our metabolism and our body and mind constitution. But, famous diet programs, medias are feeding us with fake statement saying we might be predestined to be such way or such way. 

Our bodies are basically designed with the best features we could imagine to develop ourselves at our best. The only rule we're supposed to follow is eating local and seasonal. Not only for the need of our planet and the principles of being eco-friendly. But, again, because nature has done its best job ! Making sure we've been provided with the right nutriments and vitamins regarding the environment we're living in. 

Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional European Medicine (TEM) and they're probably not the only ones... Have all in common the understanding that each person has its own metabolism and body constitution and regarding that and the environment we live in, our bodies are looking for specific foods depending on our metabolism and body constitution. 

It's exactly the reason why those diet are a total non-sense; one advice for a person might be the worse another person might do. There's no such thing uniformisation and a simple "knowitallquick solution". It's more of a long journey of finding the right diet for ourselves.


But now, I hear you already. "Well, that's a bad news. It makes me even more confused : what's the right diet for me then ?!" Tools such as Ayurveda, TCM, TEM, Metabolic Typing, seeking advice from a functional practitioner are different options to get information on how to adjust your diet to your actual body needs and help you :

Connect to your body's responses to food

Awake on how you feel after ingesting tomato, eggs with fish or milk ?

Get conscious of how your mind feels after eating gluten, sugar or drinking alcohol ?

Aware of the gut-brain connection and how foods are influencing how you feel emotionally.

Understand that food is fuel.

Foods have different energies and certain energies might be really counterproductive for you to take in !


Read more about Gut Health, here.

Example In the Ayurvedic system, your body and mind constitution carries more of a cold energy and you're feeding yourself with a lot of cold salad, cold drinks and heavy foods such as root vegetables, growing close to the ground vegetables thinking you're doing great because you're eating local and seasonal. Well you're actually putting your body's metabolism out of balance, creating toxins and accumulation (ama) in the body.

When it comes to diet, one should always be really cautious and in tune with its body responses.

One is actually really feeling it when its body says "yes" to certain ingredients: It's clear. No doubt possible. One feels this refreshing feeling of "Yeah ! That's what I needed, thank you !". But careful, one must be cautious at the beginning as we might be ingesting wrong foods since a while, toxins might have accumulated within the body and might cut you from the feeling of what might be bad for you and making you crave for bad stuff.

It's where the tools mentioned above and the detoxication programs these approaches proposes are really helpful to get back in touch with a clear body response and a clear know-how of what's good for one or not.


Final thought. What about we leave behind all the misconceptions we have about diets, weight loss and weight gain ? We start rethinking what it means to eat ? What purpose we give to the food we eat ? How can we adjust our food to one body's needs regarding its environment ?

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